Barbican Malt Beverage Glass Bottle 330ml
[Brand]: Barbican
[Net Weight]: 330ml
Barbican is manufactured at ACCBC's manufacturing plants inDammamand Dubai. It is brewed using a three-stage process involving mashing, lautering and wort boiling.
During mashing, the coarsely ground barley malt is subjected to hydration with water at different temperature-time regimes, which helps in a slow break down of starch molecules into simple carbohydrates, bringing in the balanced combination of carbohydrates and proteins. In the lautering stage, all the soluble solids from the barley malt are extracted avoiding harsh and astringent components from the barley malt husk, leaving behind wort. The extracted wort is boiled along with hops which adds a hoppy aroma and bitter taste to the malt extract. The malt extract is stabilized and sterilised during boiling.
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